
Our Health and Physical Education programme will encourage children to develop the understanding, knowledge, skills and attitudes to live healthy lifestyles and to contribute positively and responsibly to the well being (hau ora) of other people and their community.
Our children have fitness each day and follow a physical education plan which teaches and practices fundamental skills which are associated within the context of the seasonal sport being played at the time.


Each term we complete two five week units. In Term 1 each year we begin with Aquatics. The children learn skills around water such as swimming and sailing. The children use these skills in school and inter-school swimming sports, optimist yachting and triathlons. The second part of the term is learning throwing and catching skills with small balls. This coincides with sports such as cricket, t-ball and softball.
In Term 2 we prepare for the gymnastics festival by learning the skills of moving our body and balance. The later part of the term we concentrate on throwing and catching large balls in the context of sports such as basketball, mini ball, netball and rugby.


In Term 3 we practice the skills of running over distance in preparation for our school cross country and the interschool cross country. In the second half of the term we practice striking with the feet. Dribbling and kicking skills used in rugby and soccer.
In Term 4 the skills of running, jumping and throwing are focused on. Highway 50 Athletics day combined with Sherwood school and the Interschool Athletics are two events we prepare for. The last half of the term is learning striking skills with an implement. We play tennis, padder tennis, cricket, and hockey and learn how to hit and control the ball.