School Enrolment Packs
We have enrolment packs at the school office, please feel to collect a pack from school and have a look around while you are here, or alternatively we are happy to post one out to you. The pack holds all the information you will need to start your child at school and we are here to guide you through the process and forms along the way.
New Enrolments
Each year the junior class visits the Tikokino Playcentre as part of our pre-school liaison programme. A return visit is then made by the Playcentre so preschoolers feel comfortable about starting school when they turn five years old.
Arrangements will be made for pre-school visits four weeks before the child’s fifth birthday. With their invitation to attend school, they will receive an enrolment pack containing forms to be completed and Information about the school
To place a child on our ‘Pre-enrolment’ list contact the office before the child’s fifth birthday. On their fifth birthday, the parent or caregiver must come to the office and ‘officially’ enrol the child. Caregivers should bring their child’s birth certificate and immunisation records for verification. If you know of any children who are prospective new entrant enrolments, please notify the office